Academy Terms & Policies

  • Membership Rules: As an Academy member, I agree to abide by the rules and codes of conduct of the Academy as displayed in the training venue and in the Member Handbook.

    Accept Risk of Gymnastics: I have voluntarily accepted and assumed the inherent risk of danger and injury in Gymnastics.

    No Liability: I accept that all members and visitors use the Hobart Gymnastics Academy (HGA) facilities and services at their own risk. HGA does not accept any responsibility, direct or indirect, for any personal injury incurred whilst on their premises. Further, HGA does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to any personal property or vehicles. HGA reserves the right to recover all costs of damages caused, directly or indirectly by any person(s) using HGA property. This includes any damages incurred by the children or other persons under their duty of care. The use of HGA services and/or entering of HGA premises is taken as acceptance of these conditions and all other related rules and codes of conduct.

    Indemnity: I indemnify the Academy from all claims, losses and expenses (including legal costs) suffered or incurred at any time as a result of, or resulting directly or indirectly from, my failure to observe the constitutions, regulations, policies, manuals, and guidelines.

    Medical Declaration: In the event that listed contacts are unavailable, I give permission for my child/myself to receive medical treatment/ambulance assistance in case of emergency and be transported by taxi/private car if necessary. I agree to pay any costs incurred. I have advised the Academy of any medical conditions and I agree to advise the Academy, in writing, of any further medical conditions as and when they arise.

    Academy Fees: I acknowledge that all fees including annual fees are to be paid by the due date. The Academy has a 'No Pay, No Play' policy and gymnasts may not be allowed to train if the family account is in arrears. I understand that, in order to maintain a place in a class, I am liable for term fees from commencement date, including all missed sessions. I understand that if my account falls in arrears, I am liable for a late payment fee.

    Communication: I acknowledge that I am required to supply an email address for the purpose of communication. If I do not have an email address, I will contact reception to discuss alternative options. 

    Photographs/Videos: I acknowledge that photos and videos will be taken at various times for promotional purposes and if I do not want to be photographed or videoed, I must ensure that the ‘Allow Photos’ box in my member details has been unchecked. By checking the box, I give HGA permission to take and use photographs and videos.

    Continued Membership: I understand that it is mandatory to advise the Academy in writing if we wish to cancel our membership and acknowledge that there is a cancellation fee.

    Interpretation: Every reference to “I” and “my” in this document includes the gymnast and the parent/guardian/caregiver of the gymnast (if applicable)

    Waiver: As legal guardian of my designated student(s) , I hereby consent to all student(s) participating in this facility's program(s). I recognise that potentially severe injuries can occur in any activity involving height or motion, including gymnastics and physical activity in general. I understand that it is the expressed intent of all staff and personnel to provide for the safety and protection of my student(s) and, in consideration for allowing my student(s) to use these facilities, I hereby COVENANT NOT TO SUE and FOREVER RELEASE this facility, affiliated and partner companies and organisations, property owners and lessors, staff, contractors, subcontractors, teachers, coaches, owners, directors and other members involved in this facility's program(s), from all liability and for any and all damages and injuries suffered by my student(s) during instruction, supervision, and/or control during any and all classes or extra activities.

  • Makeups & Absences

    We will be unable to offer make-up classes in Term 1 2025 due to limited class, coach and administrative availability. If your gymnast is going to be absent, it is appreciated if notice in advance is given either through the online portal, calling or emailing reception on 6263 3460 or If your gymnast is going to be absent for a consecutive period of 3 weeks or more please contact reception to arrange a credit as per below.

    Public Holidays are also pro-rated from fees as the gym will not be offering classes.

    Credits, Refunds and Cancellations

    In order to secure a place in the class, families are liable for the entire term fees, regardless of how many sessions the child attends. Credits of training fees may be given in accordance with the following:

    Medical Credits

    If a gymnast suffers from an injury or illness that prevents them from attending three consecutive classes during the term. Credit requests will be considered upon a written application by e-mail to Medical evidence is required.  The credit request and the medical evidence must be received by HGA within 30 days of the initial class absence.

    Non-Medical Credit

    Credit requests for planned non-attendance of three consecutive classes or more require a written application by e-mail to giving 7 days’ clear notice in advance of the missed classes.

    Cancelled Class Credit

    Where HGA has to cancel a class, the member’s account will be credited, for the missed class, at the normal hourly rate charged to the member for that class.

    Non-Returning Gymnast Refunds

    Refund requests, for participants wishing to voluntarily cease classes after the commencement of the term, will be required to pay a cancellation fee of $50.00 per gymnast.  Written notification of class cessations will be required by e-mail to Fees will be recalculated as from the date of receipt of the written class cessation request.  Revised fees will be posted to the family account and if not paid by the due date, families will be liable to pay full tuition fees plus the additional cancellation fee.

  • Term Fees

    Term classes are charged for 10 week term (or pro-rated), with full fees due 2 weeks from sign up date including any family and GA registration fees. Casual classes, trial fees and holiday classes must be paid before the session.

    Late payments may incur a late payment fee of $30 and overdue accounts may be sent to debt collectors. If an account is in arrears we may request full upfront pay before re-enrolment. We have a strict No Pay, No Play policy if accounts are not paid by Week 8 of the term. 

    Registration Fees
    All students will be required to pay a Gymnastics Australia (GA) Registration fee each year expiring 31 December to cover insurance. Each family is also required to pay a family Club Registration fee, payable yearly and pro-rated for each term.

    The Academy offers a family discount of 5% on term fees for families with 2 gymnasts, and 10% for families with 3 or more gymnasts. Public Holidays are also pro-rated from fees as the gym will not be offering classes.

    Payment Agreement

    If you wish to apply for a Payment Agreement for your current Term fees, please read and accept our Terms and Conditions, and complete this Application Form. Our Admin Team will then confirm your application has been successful and advise the minimum payment requirements. In order to be eligible for a payment agreement, the application MUST BE COMPLETED within one week of receiving your invoice for fees. 

    NOTE: Payment Agreements can only be applied to Class Fees. Annual Fees (Gymnastics Tasmania Registration and Academy Family Membership) must be paid on receipt of invoice to confirm enrolment.

    Payment Options

    Payment via the online portal is preferred. Alternatively you can pay in person at the Academy (cash or card - fees may apply), by phoning the Academy on 6263 3460 for card payment. By direct deposit to the following account - Bank: Bank of Us | BSB: 632 001 | Account: 100190580 | Account Name: Hobart Gymnastics Academy Inc | Reference: [Invoice #]. Through the Member Portal (using Payrix) at the time of booking.

    Please note when paying online you will incur a surcharge from our payment provider of:
    Transaction Fee - Bank Account $0.88
    Transaction Fee - Visa / Mastercard 1.98%* + 33c
    *Additional 1.1% applies for international cards

    Bank Account Failed Attempt Fee $5.50
    Bank Account Data Storage and Compliance Fee $0.33 (one time)