WAG - Women's Artistic Gymnastics

WAG Junior Development Squad
The WAG Junior Development Squad is an invitation-only program designed to introduce gymnasts to the first of the required skills for the Gymnastics Australia Foundation Level 1 in Women's Artistic Gymnastics. Gymnasts within these classes are taught the first basic skills across the four women’s apparatus: beam, uneven bars, floor and vault, and may have the opportunity to represent HGA both within the Academy as well as regionally. This program introduces gymnasts to basic conditioning, flexibility and strength - all of which are essential in the development of the gymnastic skills required for competition.

WAG Development Squad
The WAG Development Squad is a fast track program for WAG Foundation Level 2 gymnasts. Placement within the Development Squad is by invitation of the senior coaching staff, and continuation within the squads is dependent upon the gymnast maintaining a suitable standard of gymnastic development. Development Squad training is centered heavily upon conditioning, flexibility and strength development to ensure these gymnasts will cope with the demands of both training and competitions in the future. Gymnasts within the Development Squad compete both within the Academy as well as regionally.

WAG Junior & Senior Competitive Squads
In Juniors & Seniors, gymnasts prepare to pass Level 3 and above for WAG. To pass to the next level, gymnasts must compete in a State-based Levels Test, with State appointed Judges. Within Seniors, the gymnasts have the opportunity to compete within the State as well as Nationally. Senior training is based upon the gymnast developing the necessary strength, flexibility, conditioning and then developing the skills.

Please call reception on 6263 3460 or email reception@hga.org.au for additional information.